Winter Enrolment Offer

Childcare PreschoolLast Chance to Save $250*

Start your child’s early learning journey now and save $250. Our daily fee starts from $22 with a 95% childcare subsidy. This special $250 offer applies to only participating centres Campsie and Homebush. This offer ends on Wednesday 31 August 2022. Places are filling fast – enquire now.

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Term and Conditions

Receive a $250 fee credit when your child enrols and commences childcare in two weeks’ time and remain enrolled for 4 weeks. This offer is valid only till 31 August 2022. This exclusive offer cannot be combined, or used in conjunction with another enrolment offer. Enrolments must be for a minimum 2 days per week. Leave of absence may be granted if there is a government-instructed lockdown or if your child has to go into isolation. However, If your child’s enrolment is cancelled for any reason or you have provided notice of your intention to terminate your child’s enrolment at any time prior to 4 weeks after your child’s childcare commencement date, you will be required to refund the enrolment application fee. Failure to do so will result in your fully refundable security bond being deducted. This offer is not transferrable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed for cash. Oz Education reserves the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time without notice.